The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on the Competitive Advantage through Strategic Entrepreneurship in the Cafe Business in Ambon


  • Sesilya Kempa Petra Christian University
  • Truly Gladys Setiawan Faculty of Business and Economics, Petra Christian University Jl. Siwalankerto 121-131, Surabaya, 60236, Indonesia



Entrepreneurial orientation; strategic entrepreneurship; competitive advantage.


The changed lifestyle of Ambon city residents influenced cafe business growth in Am­bon. This research aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on strategic en­tre­pre­neurship used by cafes and their impact on competitive advantage. The type of re­se­arch used in this research is quantitative research using an accidental sampling technique. The data col­lection process was carried out by distributing 50 questionnaires to the owners or ma­na­gers of cafes in Ambon. From 50 questionnaires that have been distributed, only 41 qu­es­ti­onnaires (82% response rate) cn be processed further using partial least square (PLS) method. This research found out that entrepreneurial orientation affects strategic en­tre­pre­ne­urship, stra­tegic entrepreneurship affects competitive advantage, and entrepreneurial ori­en­tation affects com­petitive advantage through strategic entrepreneurship. The magnitude of the influence of each is 0.724; 0.511; and 0.370. In this research, the entrepreneurial ori­en­ta­tion of the owner and manager of the cafe did not affect the competitive advantage of the cafe at all.

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