The Employee Performance in the Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Antecedents


  • Eddy Madiono Sutanto Faculty of Business and Economics, Petra Christian University
  • Lady Valentine Faculty of Business and Economics, Petra Christian University



perceptions of salary, work motivation, employee performance


Indonesia is currently experien­cing a Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pan­de­mic has had a bad impact on the majority of In­do­nesians. Companies in Indo­ne­sia were se­verely affected. Many companies have expe­ri­enced a decrease in turn­o­ver and sales. This situation has re­sult­ed in a reduction in employees to a cut in wa­ges. Com­pa­ny policy is undoubtedly not allow­ed to decrease employee performance, there­­fore. This study aimed to determine the effect of perceptions of salary on employee per­­for­mance through work motivation. The research subject was the employees in Surabaya who experienced salary cuts due to the Covid-19 impact. The sam­pling tech­nique was purposive sam­pling. The total number of respondents was 88. The PLS results showed that employees' per­ceptions of salary did not affect emplo­yee per­formance. Per­cep­tions of salary only affected work motivation. Work moti­va­tion af­fected em­ployee perform­ance, but work motiva­tion did not mediate the effect of per­ceptions of salary on employee per­formance.


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